Brief chronological frame

  • Corkyra: the daughter of Assopus river-god. The sea-god Poseidon fell in love with her, abducted her and brought her to this island, giving it her name.
  • Feakas: the son of Poseidon and Corkyra, from whom the name “the island of Feakes” comes.
  • Drepani: “scythe”, the name given to Corfu in ancient times due to its shape.
  • Sheria: the Homeric island which was settled by the Feakes.
  • Corfu: comes from “corypho” (peaks), name given to the fortified town (old fortress) which was located on two summits.
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Since ancient times Corfu has been known as a place of beauty, culture and hospitality.
Jason and the Argonauts, with the golden fleece, took refuge in Corfu, in order to escape the Colchs.
It was in Corfu that Jason got married to Medea.
In the ” Odyssey”, Homer has Odysseus brought to Corfu-the Island of Feakes, exhausted, to be found by Nafsica, the daughter of the king of the island, King Alkinoos. He offered Odysseus hospitality and a ship to take him back to Ithaca.

Brief chronological frame

  • Paleolithic position in the Cave of Gardiki
  • Neolithic settlement in Sidari
  • 775-750 BC : Settlers from Eretria-Evia
  • 735-435 BC : The Corinthians in Corfu
  • 435-338 BC : Alliance with Athens
  • 338-300 BC : Under the protection of Alexander the Great
  • 300-229 BC : Possessed by Spartans / Syracussians / Illyrians
  • 229BC-337 AD : Under Roman rule
  • 337 – 1204 : The Byzantine period
  • 1204-1215 : 1st Venetian period
  • 1215-1266 : Seignory of Epirus
  • 1266-1386 : The Angevin occupation
  • 1386-1797 : The (2nd) Venetian period
  • 1797-1799 : 1st French domination (Democrats)
  • 1799-1800 : Russian domination
  • 1800-1807 : Independant Septinsular Republic
  • 1807-1814 : 2nd French domination ( Napoleon)
  • 1814-1864 : The British era
  • 1864 : Union with the Greek State
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